On the relevance of a diesel particulate filter.
01.DPF? Protection of the environment and health!
Whether to protect the environment or preserve our health in the long term, diesel particulate filters have long been an integral part of all our lives. They play a major role in many important areas of everyday life. As their name suggests, diesel particulate filters are used in diesel vehicles. There, they reliably absorb particulate matter and CO2 emissions that would otherwise be released into the ambient air. They are indispensable and help protect the environment. They make everyday driving less harmful to our health and the environment.
However, it is not uncommon for a diesel particulate filter to become clogged after a certain period of time and for the filter performance to decrease significantly. The reason for such clogging is frequent short trips. This is because the engine and the exhaust system do not reach the required operating temperature on short journeys, and the internal regeneration of the particulate filter cannot be initiated. Regeneration refers to the burning of soot to ash in the filter. However, if the driving distance is too short, no combustion takes place, so that the DPF becomes increasingly clogged with soot and ash over time. However, this clogging also occurs with a DPF-compliant driving style – only later. If the first problems with the diesel particulate filter then occur, you quickly ask yourself how important it is at all and what measures are taken.
In the following article, we will show you why you should definitely have the particulate filter cleaned if it becomes clogged and what relevance a particulate filter has.
However, we can only advise against removing the particulate filter without replacement. Not only does this invalidate the operating license and tax evasion, but it is also a criminal offense that can be punished with up to ten years’ imprisonment.
02.DPF to preserve our health.
Exposure to particulate matter has increased continuously in recent years, and no change in the trend is expected for the time being. Particulate matter is the smallest soot particles, which are considered a major burden on human health. This is because soot particles are not filtered by the nose and bronchial tubes, as they are simply too small for this purpose. They therefore enter the lungs unprotected and remain there for a long time. The lungs then try to fight off the particles like bacteria, whereupon the lung tissue is immensely damaged in the long term. Although people who are not exposed to any pre-existing diseases and who otherwise enjoy good health may not notice many consequences of the deposition of soot particles in the lungs, children and people in poor health may notice them even more. In general, it can be said that particulate matter significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, heart attacks and even strokes.
In order to be able to reliably protect the health of us humans from the fine dust emissions produced in passenger cars, the installation of a diesel particulate filter is absolutely necessary – and not only in diesel cars. It is equally important to have the DPF installed in the car regularly maintained or professionally cleaned. Otherwise, the DPF will quickly lose efficiency. In the ‘worst case’, the engine can even be severely damaged or irreparably destroyed, leaving only the extremely costly replacement of the engine. You can find out more about the reasons for regular DPF cleaning (from us) here.
In addition, a DPF reliably protects people and the environment from, in addition to particulate matter and diesel soot:
Soot, water droplets, metal abrasion, rust particles, ash, sulfate particles, accumulated hydrocarbons.
A considerable amount of harmful substances, which we are not exposed to unprotected thanks to diesel particulate filters.
03.DPF cleaning with compressed air.
Diesel particulate filters also play a significant role in reducing CO2 emissions. After all, when fuel is burned, engines in passenger cars emit a considerable amount of CO2. It is precisely this increase in CO2 pollution that is considered to be largely responsible for the processes of global warming that are taking place. However, the consequences of global warming are very far-reaching and extremely devastating for the environment. Many negative effects are closely linked to climate change, such as the melting of glaciers and polar ice caps, rising sea levels and the extinction of many animal species due to the destruction of their habitat. Each of the installed particulate filters therefore makes an important contribution to the long-term preservation of our environment and habitat. And regular cleaning of the particulate filter even more so!
In order to counteract the advancing global warming, limit values have already been defined and introduced in passenger cars to ensure compliance with these particulate filters. These limits are being defined ever more strictly and, in addition, special regulations are being laid down for the permitted emission of pollutants in large cities. What you can still do as a private individual to actively contribute to the protection of our environment is to regularly check the particulate filter for functionality and, if necessary, have it cleaned. In many cases, the only way to avoid driving bans for old diesel vehicles without a DPF is to retrofit the DPF. In the meantime, almost all diesel engines have a DPF installed – and DPFs are also becoming increasingly important for gasoline engines.
It should also be mentioned here that cleaning the particulate filter is preferable to replacing it from an environmental point of view. This is because the production of a new particulate filter requires the use of many resources.
Since car traffic in Germany has more than quadrupled since 1960, and will continue to increase, Greenpeace has already called for stricter limits and the mandatory installation of particulate filters in diesel vehicles. Consumers (you) are also being asked to drive only diesel vehicles that actually have a diesel particulate filter.
04.DPF for economic benefits & free ride.
In economic terms, too, particulate filters should not be seen solely as a cost factor. After all, a particulate filter reduces vehicle tax while increasing the value of the car when it is resold. Another aspect that should not be underestimated is that there are now many environmental zones in which it is almost impossible to drive without a particulate filter, as this is a basic requirement for a green particulate palette, which is now mandatory in almost all major German cities. As there are high fines for non-compliance with the obligation, you also save money by having an intact diesel particulate filter.
05.DPF to minimize risks in road traffic.
Without DPF it does not work! Whether for the preservation of our health, for the protection of the environment or for economic advantages – diesel particulate filters are THE means by which we can enjoy driving a diesel vehicle as safely as possible in the first place.
For more information about diesel particulate filters or our DPF cleaning process, please contact us.
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